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Health Services Executive in Ireland_Breastfeeding-policy-for-public-health-service-employees_EN_2020.pdf
Politique | Texte | PDF
The aim of this policy is to create a working environment that is supportive of breastfeeding mothers. This includes supporting staff to breastfeed and /or express breast milk as needed during their working day. The policy highlights the…
Health Services Executive in Ireland

Health Department South-Africa - Breastfeeding-in-Workplace-Booklet.pdf
Guide | Texte | 2018
This guide was written to support the practice of breastfeeding in South African workplaces. It contains practical information for employers and managers of big, medium and small organisations on how they can create a breastfeeding-friendly…
Department of Health of South Africa

University of Dublin_procedure-equality-breastfeeding_EN_2016.pdf
Politique | Texte | PDF | 2016
Trinity is supportive of efforts to ensure that women with family responsibilities participate fully in the workplace, and are not disadvantaged in progressing their careers. On that basis, this policy sets out arrangements for facilitating…
Trinity College Dublin / The University of Dublin

Guide | Texte | PDF | 2022
Ce guide présente une boîte à outils complète de vérification des compétences pour aider les pays, les systèmes de soins de santé et les établissements individuels à évaluer les compétences du personnel en matière de connaissances, de compétences et…
World Health Organisation (WHO)/Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)

Mots-clés : , ,

Guide | Texte | PDF | 2022
This is a consolidated guideline of new and existing recommendations on routine postnatal care for women and newborns receiving facility- or community-based postnatal care in any resource setting.
World Health Organisation (WHO)/Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)

Politique | Texte | PDF | 2015
Établir une politique en matière d’allaitement maternel est un bon moyen de s’assurer que tout le personnel sait que la municipalité soutient l’allaitement maternel. La politique de la Ville de Bouctouche à cet effet peut servir d'exemple pour…
Ville de Bouctouche

WHO_ Competency-of-HCP-to-IAB_EN_2020.pdf
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2020
This is a consolidated guideline of new and existing recommendations on routine postnatal care for women and newborns receiving facility- or community-based postnatal care in any resource setting.
World Health Organisation (WHO)/Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)

Mots-clés : , ,

Plaidoyer | Texte | PDF | 2022
This report summarizes the findings of a multicountry study examining the impact of breast milk marketing on infant feeding decisions and practices, which was commissioned by WHO and UNICEF. The research study – the largest of its kind to date –…
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund

Guide | Texte | PDF | 2016
The purpose of this document is to provide the HCP with the essential knowledge and tools to facilitate an informed discussion and decision-making process.
Perinatal Services BC

Guide | Texte | PDF | 2023
Une image vaut mille mots : en tant qu’artiste, que ce soit en art plastique, art appliqué, art décoratif, art numérique ou art médiatique, vous connaissez le rôle important des images et de la symbolique qui y est rattachée. Grâce à votre…
Mouvement allaitement du Québec (MAQ)