Bibliothèque Virtuelle

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  • Array: Allaitement et travail

Dépliant | Texte | PDF | 2010
Policies and Practices that help Families:
- Before Pregnancy
- During Pregnancy
- In the transition to Parenting
- During Breastfeeding
Health Nexus Santé

Mots-clés :

Aide-mémoire | Texte | PDF | 2018
The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) awards Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace (BFW) accreditation to organisations that provide three simple criteria to support their breastfeeding employees.
1. Space
2. Time
3. Support
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2014
Le guide est axé sur neuf stratégies visant à soutenir, promouvoir et protéger l'allaitement maternel. Un certain nombre de suggestions sont proposées sur la façon de mettre en pratique chacune des stratégies.
Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Comité canadien pour l'allaitement

Vidéo | Image en Mouvement | Web | 2015
Dans le cadre de la Semaine mondiale de l'allaitement maternel 2015 sous le thème de l'allaitement et du travail, Alive & Thrive et l'UNICEF ont créé cet animation pour montrer les avantages de la création d’environnement favorable à…
Alive and Thrive, UNICEF

Trousse d'outil | Web | Web
Becoming an accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace is simple two step process. Step 1. Work through the BFW toolkits to become accreditation ready.  Step 2. Apply for an accreditation audit.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2013
Support for breastfeeding is needed in many different arenas including hospitals and birth centers, worksites, and communities. This Guide builds upon the research evidence demonstrating effective intervention strategies and offers relevant…
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health Department South-Africa - Breastfeeding-in-Workplace-Booklet.pdf
Guide | Texte | 2018
This guide was written to support the practice of breastfeeding in South African workplaces. It contains practical information for employers and managers of big, medium and small organisations on how they can create a breastfeeding-friendly…
Department of Health of South Africa
Trousse d'outil | Texte | PDF | 2012
Trousse visant à aider les entreprises locales à se renseigner sur l'allaitement maternel et leur fournir des outils pour mieux appuyer les mères qui allaitent, qu'elles soient employées ou clientes.
Frittenburg, Sarah. Comité de l'Initiative Amis des bébés des comtés de Lunenburg et de Queens
Trousse d'outil | Texte | PDF | 2012
This kit has been created to help local businesses, organizations and governments to build their knowledge about breastfeeding and provide tools to better support breastfeeding women whether they are employees or clients.
Frittenburg, Sarah. Lunenburgand Queens Baby-Friendly Initiative Committee

Health Services Executive in Ireland_Breastfeeding-policy-for-public-health-service-employees_EN_2020.pdf
Politique | Texte | PDF
The aim of this policy is to create a working environment that is supportive of breastfeeding mothers. This includes supporting staff to breastfeed and /or express breast milk as needed during their working day. The policy highlights the…
Health Services Executive in Ireland