Bibliothèque Virtuelle

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Trousse d'outil | Web | Web
Becoming an accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace is simple two step process. Step 1. Work through the BFW toolkits to become accreditation ready.  Step 2. Apply for an accreditation audit.
Australian Breastfeeding Association

Vidéo | Image en Mouvement | Web | 2014
This video is aimed at targeting university students and is meant to be playful and humourous. We know that although many students in university are accepting of the benefits of breastfeeding, and plan to breastfeed their own children, it is still…
Community Breastfeeding Grant, Department of Health and Wellness, St.Francis Xavier University
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2014
This package was created to help breastfeeding families advocate for their breastfeeding rights. (...) Asking a breastfeeding mother to move to a new location, stop breastfeeding, or cover up is a violation of these rights. This package may help you…
Batool, Zahra. Radcliff, Josalyn. Howard, Kristin. Cooper, Tiffany. Serroul, Rebecca.
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2014
« The core of the Workbook focuses on nine strategies to support, promote and protect breastfeeding. For each strategy there follows a number of suggestions on how to apply it. »
Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Comité canadien pour l'allaitement
Guide | Texte | PDF | 2013
Support for breastfeeding is needed in many different arenas including hospitals and birth centers, worksites, and communities. This Guide builds upon the research evidence demonstrating effective intervention strategies and offers relevant…
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Communiqué | Texte | PDF | 2015
Communiqué dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale de la Santé du 7 avril 2015 ayant comme thème la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, organisée par l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Inclut les risques du non-allaitement et ceux liés aux préparations…
IBFAN - International Baby Food Action Network
Communiqué | Texte | PDF | 2012
Ce document présente quelques-unes des violations du Code international de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel en Alberta et Saskatchewan en 2011-2012.
Peddlesden, Jennifer.
Communiqué | Texte | PDF | 2012
Présentation des 6 problèmes identifiés par l'IBFAN, ainsi que les préoccupations qui en découlent, concernant l'initiative internationale Scaling Up Nutrition.
IBFAN -International Baby Food Action Network
Article | Texte | PDF | 2010
Breastfeeding Briefs,n. 48-49 (2010) presents different news related with the world of nursing. In that issue, they present the Baby Friendly Pharmacy Initiative (BFPI).
Cattaneo, A. Ferreira Rea, M. Petitat-Côté, E.

Site internet | Web | Web | 2016
The International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC) protects breastfeeding by implementing the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.