Marketing of breast milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2020
- Titre
- Marketing of breast milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2020
- Description
- The 2020 report highlights specific provisions considered to be particularly instrumental in addressing and eliminating the promotion of breast-milk substitutes, feeding bottles and teats to health workers and in health facilities, and provides an extensive analysis of legal measures taken to prohibit promotion to health workers and in health facilities. In this report, a new scoring algorithm was used to classify countries' legislation. The scoring methods allow for standardized classification of countries following agreed criteria among WHO, UNICEF, and IBFAN.
- Format
- Date
- 2020
- Langue
- English
- Créateur
- Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)
- Editeur
- Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)
- Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance (UNICEF)
- International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)
- Couverture
- International
- Importance matérielle
- 88 pages
- Droits
- Couverture spatiale
- Espaces commerciaux
- Public
- Administratrice
- Sujet
- Environnement socioculturel
- Se conforme à
- Code international de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel (AMS)
- uri
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